2012 Reading Resolutions:
(1) Reduce the size of my massive TBR pile. My book buying obsession has resulted in me having a TBR pile the size of a mountain. My participation in the Mount TBR Challenge should help to reduce it a little bit, as my goal is to read at least 50 books that were sitting on my TBR as of the end of 2011.
(2) Read at least 75 books. This isn't a stretch target as I've read at least 80 books in each of the last three years, but I don't want to put any pressure on myself and end up rushing through books I should savour in order to meet a reading goal.
For the past few years my reading resolutions have included buying fewer books. Since I never keep this one, hence my large TBR pile, I've decided not to bother including it again this year :-)
2012 Blogging Resolutions:
(1) Post more reviews. To date, my reviews have focused almost exclusively on books within the historical fiction genre. During 2012 I'd like to increase the number of reviews I write by expanding my reviews to include more than just historical fiction.
(2) Become more involved in the blogging community. I'm going to try my best to comment more often on other blogs, as well as participate in any opportunities that come up for book tours, etc.
(3) Participate more regularly in weekly memes. In addition to Mailbox Monday, I'm going to try to regularly contribute to Waiting on Wednesday and Suddenly Sunday. I'm also going to look for an additional meme to participate in, although I haven't decided which one yet.
Those are my resolutions for the year. Do you have any?