These past few weeks have been busy ones for me. While I've made time for reading, I've sadly neglected my blog. I have a few ideas for miscellaneous book-related posts, but have yet to find the time to transfer them from my head to my blog. Hopefully that will change in the next week or two.
Reading-wise, I've managed to get through quite a few books lately, although I'll only be posting a review for one of them - Elisabeth Storrs' brilliant novel, The Wedding Shroud. If all goes according to plan my review should be posted by mid-week. I'm also quickly working my way through Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus, and should have a review for it posted by end of the week. I'm not as enamoured of this book as most readers seem to be, but I will say it is one of the most beautifully written novels I've read in a long time.
That's all from me for now. I hope everyone has a great week.