It's Monday, so you know what that means -- it's time for
It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at
Book Journey.

My reading mojo was a little off last week, so I didn't read as much as I'd hoped to, but I did manage to finish Tarquin Hall's
The Case of the Missing Servant, the first in his Visi Puri mystery series -- which I mistakenly thought was
The Case of the Man Who Died Laughing as indicated in my post last week. The novel, which is set in modern day India, was a lot of fun and I definitely plan to continue with the series. My read of Sarah Dunant's
Blood and & Beauty stalled somewhat, although I did pick it back up yesterday and I'm moving through it quickly now.

In addition to
Blood & Beauty, I've also started Adam LeBor's
The Washington Stratagem, a fast-paced political thriller featuring a kick-ass heroine who for works for the UN, Yael Azoulay. I loved LeBor's first Yael Azoulay novel,
The Geneva Option (click
here to read my review), and so far this latest book is every bit as engaging. Seriously fellow readers, if you enjoy thrillers you simply must give this series a try. I've also picked up Nele Neuhaus'
Snow White Must Die, a crime novel set in Germany. It seems promising so far.
While my reading is off to a smashing start this year, I have failed to keep up with the Green Gables Readalong I joined in January so I've decided to opt out of it. Even though I love the books, I'm just not in an Anne of Green Gables mood at the moment.
What about you? What are you reading this week?