Avid Reader's Review
2.5 Stars
The Wolves of Andover is a prequel to Kent's debut novel, The Heretic's Daughter, telling the story of how Martha Allen came to meet, and fall in love with, Thomas Carrier. Unfortunately, I couldn't shake the feeling as I was reading the novel that I would have enjoyed it more if I had already been familiar with the characters. In other words, despite the novel being a prequel, I feel I should have read The Heretic's Daughter first. In fact, at times I felt as if the author assumed readers had read Heretic's Daughter, and nowhere did I think this more evident than in the novel's epilogue.
I admit that the subject matter and period in history covered by this novel is not normally of interest to me. Ultimately, however, I was never able to connect with any of the characters in the way necessary to draw me into the story; leaving me indifferent to their fates. While this book didn't appeal to me, I think readers with an interest in colonial American history or those who read and enjoyed The Heretic's Daughter would find it a worthwhile read.