Suddenly Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Svea over at The Muse in the Fog and the purpose is to share the exciting activities that happened on your blog over the past week.
I had a quiet blogging week once again with the only activity on my blog being posting of my review of Angus Donald's Outlaw. Next week will be quieter still since I'm not currently reading anything that I'll be posting a review about. I will, however, have some goodies to share in my Mailbox Monday post :-)
I'm actually in a bit of a reading funk at the moment. and it feels as if I've been reading Brandon Sanderson's The Well of Ascension forever! I'm only halfway through the novel, which I'm enjoying, but I started it over a week ago. It rarely takes me longer than a week to read anything regardless of book length, but I'm just not drawn to reading at the moment. I'm sure I'll snap out of my reading funk soon though, and it will be back to business as usual.
I hope everyone has a great week!