For any of you who have seen the movie The Young Victoria starring Emily Blunt, Arundel Castle was used as a stand in for scenes that took place in St. James Palace and Windsor Castle.
You can visit the official Arundel Castle site at the following link:
Here are some of my photos of the Castle:
Various views of Arundel Castle, including (at left) the Castle motte and keep, which is the oldest part of the Castle.
Literary Link:
One of the reasons I selected Arundel Castle for this week's edition of Travel Tuesdays is that it is featured in the book I am currently reading, Lady of the English by Elizabeth Chadwick. Adeliza, widow of Henry I and one of the key figures in Chadwick's novel, makes Arundel Castle her home when she marries William D'Albini. While at Arundel she plays hostess to Empress Matilda, who at the time was battling her cousin Stephen of Blois for the throne of England - Empress Matilda is the other key figure in Lady of the English.
Arundel Castle is also featured in one of my all-time favourite novels, When Christ and His Saints Slept by Sharon Kay Penman, which is set during the same time period as Chadwick's novel and features many of the same characters.
Arundel Castle is definitely worth a visit!