Sunday, November 28, 2010

'Tis the Season...

As the Christmas holidays are fast approaching, I've been wondering if I should include a Christmas themed novel on my list of December reads.   I'm not usually one to select my reads based on holidays, seasons or events, but I was in my favourite local bookstore the other day and I couldn't help but notice all of the Christmas novels for sale.    I have Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, The Chimes and A Cricket on the Hearth sitting on my shelves, but should this be the year I read one of them?  I guess it will all depend on how quickly I can get through my other December reads.   

Does anyone here make it a point to read a Christmas novel during the month of December?  If so, do you re-read a favourite or do you try something new?   If you have a favourite, what is it?