I've been giving a lot of thought lately to the format of my reviews. While I like my current format, I don't have the time (or inclination) to write full length reviews for every book I read. In order to share my thoughts on some of the books I might not otherwise review, I've decided to incorporate into this blog some shorter, point form reviews. This format, which will debut this week, will be known as my "A Few Thoughts On" reviews. While I will continue to post long reviews, especially for those books I've committed to reviewing, it is my hope that this new approach will encourage me to post more frequently.
Monday, August 26, 2013
A Few Thoughts On Mixing Up My Review Format
I've been giving a lot of thought lately to the format of my reviews. While I like my current format, I don't have the time (or inclination) to write full length reviews for every book I read. In order to share my thoughts on some of the books I might not otherwise review, I've decided to incorporate into this blog some shorter, point form reviews. This format, which will debut this week, will be known as my "A Few Thoughts On" reviews. While I will continue to post long reviews, especially for those books I've committed to reviewing, it is my hope that this new approach will encourage me to post more frequently.